MonDems News – May 2020 Social Distancing Edition #2 - Mon Dems

MonDems News – May 2020 Social Distancing Edition #2

“You can’t divide the country up into sections … and you can’t encourage people’s prejudices. You have to appeal to people’s best instincts, not their worst ones.”  President Harry S. Truman

In spite of the Covid-19 crisis, we are heartened by the hard work people everywhere are doing to advance a positive agenda for our state and nation, and as Democrats, to nominate good candidates – at all levels – to run in November. Could there be a more important election for our country? We think not. 

How can you help? It sometimes feels hard to know how we as individuals can make a difference. But one thing that everyone who supports Democratic causes can do right now is help get the word out about the primary. We can’t go door to door, but we can reach out to friends, family, neighbors, and colleagues.  

First,if you haven’t already, makea personal plan to vote – absentee voting is going on now, in-person early voting starts soon, and in-person voting on Election Day, June 9, is fast approaching. See your election options and deadlines below. 

Educate yourself about the candidates and issues. As a Democratic committee, we do not endorse primary candidates, but if you’re not sure how to vote in any race, ask a friend or fellow Democrat whose judgment you trust for information or advice. Research the nonpartisan races and levies on the ballot – we’ve posted info about them on our Facebook page. Here’s where you can look at a sample ballot.   

How will you vote? If you plan to vote absentee, have you requested received that ballot, filled it out, and returned it? If you plan to vote in person, do you know when and where to vote? See the info below, and visit the secretary of state or county clerk’s website for more information.

Reach out to other voters. The election is the last thing on some people’s minds right now. Talk to friends, family, neighbors; make sure they’re aware, informed, and have a plan. If we all work together, we can get the word out!    

Come to our June meeting, online via Zoom. We had a great meeting in May, discussing fundraising and voter outreach for the general, and passing a resolution on vote-by-mail. Read on for more, and join us.  

Volunteer – We need help with fundraising, community outreach, and get-out-the-vote (GOTV) activities for the general election and are forming committees and work groups now. These activities will look very different than usual this year, but will remain crucial to our success. If you’re willing to help with any of these, email and let us know which committee interests you. Don’t be shy!  

Finally, stay safe. Please reach out if there’s anything we can do to help you.

Calendar of Events (and important primary deadlines)

Tuesday, May 19 – Last day to register to vote or update your registration –
Wednesday, May 27 to Saturday, June 7 – Early voting (in person) –
Wednesday, June 3 – Last day to request an absentee ballot – monongaliacountyclerk.comMonday, June 8 – Mon County Democrats monthly meeting, 6:30 p.m. This meeting will be held online via Zoom. All Democrats and supporters are welcome. Watch your email for the login or email
Tuesday, June 9 – Election Day (absentee ballot must be postmarked by this date, or vote in person) –

Committee, Legislators Support November Vote by Mail

At our May meeting, we passed a resolution supporting a special session of the West Virginia legislature to pass universal vote-by-mail for the general election in the fall.

 “The right to vote is the foundation of our democracy,” said committee chair Kathleen Abate, “but no one can predict what is going to happen with this virus. By holding a full, in-person election, voters and poll workers are placed at risk. In universal vote-by-mail, all registered voters would automatically receive a ballot without having to request it. Those who need or prefer to vote in person will be able to.” 

“For the primary election going on now,” said Judy Ball, a committee member who has researched and experienced vote-by-mail, “the West Virginia Secretary of State allowed all voters to vote by absentee ballot. However, this requires a two-step process involving sending in a request or application for a ballot, then sending back the ballot.”
Several of our local legislators are pushing to adopt vote-by-mail in the state, but it would require a special session to have the system in place by November. Here’s a recent news story on the resolution:

Legislators’ Weekly Covid-19 Updates

Every Sunday at 4 p.m., our House of Delegates members – Barbara Fleischauer, Evan Hansen, Rodney Pyles, Danielle Walker, and John Williams – are going live on Facebook to update us on Covid-19 and related issues in West Virginia. Special guests sometimes participate. 
You can join each Sunday by connecting with any of the delegates on Facebook. Topics include unemployment compensation, aid for small businesses, food insecurity, health concerns, and more. The delegates are also leaving time for questions. Connect every Sunday at 4 p.m. on any of these Facebook pages: @HansenforWV, @Barbara.Fleischauer, @Williams4house, @DelegateDanielleWalker, or @DelegateRodneyPyles.
