December 2019 Newsletter - Mon Dems

December 2019 Newsletter

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” —Eleanor Roosevelt

Here and across the country, Democrats are gearing up for 2020 primaries and an important election year. Several local candidates have recently launched campaigns, and candidates for statewide offices have visited Mon County. We hope you’ll join us as we work to elect Democrats up and – just as importantly – down the ballot.

Our January meeting will start with a potluck and social hour. All Democrats and supporters are welcome, so please join us!

Until then, we hope each and every one of you a happy and healthy holiday season and new year!

Calendar of Events

Monday, January 13Mon County Democrats potluck and January meeting, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., Local 152 Plumbers and Pipefitters, 100 Richard Avenue, Morgantown. We will devote the first hour of our January meeting to a potluck and social hour, so watch your email and social media for more details. All Democrats and supporters are invited!

**Submit an event for our calendar – Any Democratic officials or candidates for office in Monongalia County – or organizers of events for officials/candidates for state or national office but taking place in Mon County – may submit events for inclusion in our website and newsletter calendars.

MonDems News

Successful insulin caravan highlights need for change

After a recent trip, Delegate Barbara Evans Fleischauer and a busload of West Virginians returned home with life-saving insulin, which is sold for far lower prices in Canada than in the United States. The trip not only provided help to West Virginians in need; it also demonstrated the urgent need for policymakers to crack down on price gouging by drug companies. Thanks so much to Barbara for organizing the one-day trip, which was heavily covered by the news media, including in Canada. Read some of their stories below:

After reentering the United States, the group paused for a photo in the middle of a long day that helped them obtain much-needed medication while bringing attention to the pressing need for change.

Caputo launches state senate campaign

Longtime West Virginia Delegate Mike Caputo recently announced his candidacy for the 13th District of the West Virginia State Senate, which includes most of Monongalia and Marion counties. Caputo has served in the House of Delegates for 23 years, is currently minority whip, and was the vice president of the United Mine Workers of America’s International District 31. Caputo will seek the seat being vacated by Senate Minority Leader Roman Prezioso, who is not seeking reelection.

Mike Caputo, longtime member and leader in the West Virginia House of Delegates, recently announced his candidacy for the 13th District State Senate seat representing Monongalia and Marion counties.

State Democrats gather for annual dinner, hear from gubernatorial candidates

Democrats from around the state traveled to Charleston for the state party’s annual Roosevelt Kennedy Dinner in November. Shane Assadzandi represented Mon County as our Democrat of the Year, and several others from Mon County attended as well. Attendees heard from four Democrats running in the state’s 2020 Democratic primary for governor – read the WVMetronews about the event and the gubernatorial candidates who spoke:

Mon County attendees at the Roosevelt Kennedy dinner – (left to right) Bob Cohen, Committee Chair Kathleen Abate, Delegate Danielle Walker, Vice Chair and Mon County Democratic of the Year Shane Assadzandi, State Senator Bob Beach, and Patricia Bunner.

Hansen: Modern Jobs Act would create jobs

Delegate Evan Hansen and others addressed the legislature’s Joint Standing Committee on Energy about the Modern Jobs (MoJo) Act during legislative interim meetings in November. Hansen said the bill would promote economic development by allowing major state consumers of electricity to produce or purchase solar power produced on the site of closed coal mines.

“We need all the jobs we can get in West Virginia,” he said. “Surrounding states have thousands of solar jobs, but in West Virginia, we have only a few hundred. This whole new type of job is passing us by, for no good reason, and it’s a shame.”

Hansen said he hopes presenting the bill during interims will help attract bipartisan support.

Read these news stories on the hearing and bill:

Delegate Evan Hansen addressed the Standing Committee on Energy about the Modern Jobs Act during interim legislative meetings in November.

Walker honored by Human Rights Commission

Delegate Danielle Walker was recently honored by the Morgantown Human Rights Commission for her work advocating for disability rights and inclusion for people in the LGBTQ community. Read the WV Metronews story here:

Need a holiday gift for your favorite Democrat?

Mon County Democrats t-shirts, buttons, and bumper stickers may be obtained at any MonDems meeting or event, or by email to We ask for a $25 donation for a shirt, $3 for a button or bumper sticker, and $5 for a button and bumper sticker.

Send us your news

We will publish notices of or photos/stories from any events sponsored by Democratic groups, officials, or candidates for office in Monongalia County, or statewide or national candidate appearances in the county. It is the campaign’s responsibility to send us the news – we will not hunt it down. The deadline to receive the information is the 15th of the month. Send info and pictures to Susan Case, editor, at or send to and they will be forwarded.

Spread the word – Please forward this email to friends who may be interested and invite them to subscribe at
