“Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.” ― Franklin D. Roosevelt
Primary season is heating up in Monongalia County, with Democratic candidates at all levels joining supporters for kickoffs and community events. Turnout at our July meeting was awesome. Democrats are on the move, fighting for a better future for all our people, here in Monongalia County and across the state and nation. We hope you’ll get involved as we build momentum for 2020.
Calendar of coming events
Mon., Sept. 9 – Mon County Democrats September meeting, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., Local 152 Plumbers and Pipefitters, 100 Richard Avenue, Morgantown. All Democrats and supporters are invited to attend our meetings, held the second Monday of each month, and participate in everything we do.
Tues., Oct. 22 – Hansen for House Reelection Kickoff, 6 to 8 p.m., Hill and Hollow, 709 Beechurst Avenue, Morgantown.
Fri., Nov. 1 – Mon County Democrats 2020 Election Kickoff: A New American Century – 6 to 10 p.m., Morgantown Brewing Company (downstairs), 1291 University Avenue, Morgantown.

One hundred years ago our nation was facing stark choices. Should women have the right to vote? How can we stop rampant corruption? Should alcohol be prohibited? What can be done about income inequality?
Despite improvements, we face many of the same problems today. Women’s rights and healthcare are under attack; the White House is perhaps the most corrupt in history; the war on drugs has had a disproportionate impact on communities of color; and wealth concentration has reached levels not seen since the Gilded Age.
The choices we face in this election are clear, and the stakes could not be higher.
Do we go backwards to an era of corruption and injustice? Or, do we move forward toward progress and equality? Join us as we kick off the 2020 election season and work to elect Democrats who will help us move America forward.
This event will include heavy hors d’oeuvres, an auction, and a prize drawing. Tickets are $35/each or $60/two tickets and may be purchased at https://secure.actblue.com/donate/2020electionkickoff. Get yours today!
**Submit an event for our calendar – Any Democratic officials or candidates for office in Monongalia County – or organizers of events for officials/candidates for state or national office but taking place in Mon County – may submit events for inclusion in our website and newsletter calendars. https://www.mondems.org/submit-an-event (Note – our calendar is specifically limited to Democratic Party events, just fyi. We can’t include other organizations’ events; there are just too many.)
Monongalia County Democrats Stand with Immigrants
In the past few weeks, ICE has brought its campaign of fear and intimidation to our community and to other places in the state. There is no immigration crisis here. Recent raids are simply an attempt to terrorize members of our community who are attempting to better their own lives.
The shameful conduct of the Trump administration and ICE toward refugees, documented and undocumented immigrants, and U.S. citizens has weakened our country and tarnished our reputation. The land of the free and the home of the brave is now a place where children are ripped from their parents’ arms, refugees are detained in squalid camps, and hardworking people live in fear of a knock on the door in the night.
The Monongalia County Democratic Party calls upon all our elected officials to work to end the immoral and un-American practices of the Trump administration, and to reject the racist and xenophobic rhetoric that emanates from the White House almost daily. We are a better people than this.

New committee members – At our July meeting, the committee unanimously elected two new members: Justin Raines will represent District 11, and Emily Womeldorff will represent District 5. They each introduced themselves. Here’s a summary of their statements:
Justin Raines – I’m a strong supporter of Democratic Party values, particularly in helping to support and uplift the concerns of working-class people in West Virginia. As a former state chair of the West Virginia Chapter of the Sierra Club and a full-time community organizer in 22 counties in the state, I bring a wealth of knowledge about organizing and about the issues that West Virginians face.
Emily Womeldorff – As a lifelong West Virginian who’s spent most of my life in Morgantown, I’m invested in seeing our community and state become a better place, creating a West Virginia that keeps our young people here, and becoming a safe and welcoming state for all. To do this, young people must have a seat at the table. I believe Democratic Party values best reflect a West Virginia that is welcoming, safe, and prosperous. I’ve spent my career advocating for better access to reproductive healthcare and combating policies that harm our people, especially our most vulnerable citizens.
July/August events
MonDems T-shirts, buttons, & bumper stickers available!
Mon County Democrats t-shirts, buttons, and bumper stickers are now available and may be obtained at any MonDems meeting or event. We ask for a $20 donation for a shirt, $3 for a button or bumper sticker, and $5 for a button and bumper sticker. Come to a meeting or event to get yours!
Send us your news – To contribute stories or photos about any activities of interest to Mon County Democrats, email Susan Case, editor, at susancasewv@gmail.comor moncountydems@gmail.com.
Please forward this email to friends who may be interested and invite them to subscribe at www.mondems.org.