Democrats always make a difference when we work together. Please join us as we support our legislators, serve our community, and promote our shared Democratic values of justice, equality, and fairness. We aren’t waiting until 2020. Read on to find out how we can work together to turn our goals into concrete action! We meet the second Monday of each month at the Plumbers and Pipefitters hall.

What We’ve Been Doing
➤ During the past legislative session we monitored what was happening in Charleston. We heard updates on the Modern Jobs Act and the Katherine Johnson Fair Pay Act, two bills sponsored by our Mon County delegation. We also followed the twists and turns of the Omnibus Education bill.
➤ We put our values into action and volunteered at the Mountaineer Food Bank’s Mobile Food Pantry in January and Empty Bowls in February. ➤ On March 30th from 9:00 am-noon (rain date, March 31), we have our first Adopt-A-Highway clean up day. We will meet at Cheat Lake Park parking lot. DOH provides vests and equipment.
Thanks to our community service coordinators Michah Weglinski, Emilie Marlier, and Alyssa Ponzurick. If you are interested in hearing more about or participating in any of our upcoming community service projects, email us at moncountydems@gmail.com.
➤ Through our Twitter account, Facebook and website, we’re letting folks know where we stand on local issues. Individuals are encouraged to let their views and values known through letters to the editor and contacts to our elected officials.
➤ We want the people of Monongalia County to know it’s possible to create more jobs, improve our educational system, repair our infrastructure and have a more equitable tax structure without cutting taxes of the extraction industries (money that goes to the benefit of out of state interests does not create jobs). These community outreach efforts and events require a budget. Danielle Thomas is spearheading our fundraising.
Community Events
➤ Education Town Hall Schedule
March 25 Blennerhasset Middle School
April 1 Robert C. Byrd High School
April 2 Wheeling Park High School
April 3 Berkeley Springs High School
➤ Morgantown City Council Candidate Forum Thursday, April 11th from 7-9 pm at South Middle School
➤ Morgantown City Council Elections Tuesday April 30th. Early Voting: Wednesday, April 17, 2019 to Saturday, April 27, 2019 Monday through Friday from 8 am to 5 pm and Saturday from 9 am to 5 pm in the Morgantown City Hall Lobby, located at 389 Spruce St. or at the Northside Fire Station, located at 1000 Van Voorhis Rd.

Order your MonDems T-Shirt!
Union made in the USA and available for purchase for $20 (please add $5 if you would like to have your shirt mailed to you). We will deliver in Mon County. Send in your order via ActBlue or send an email to moncountydems@gmail.com. Be sure to include your size when ordering.