“Fight for the things that you care about, but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.” – Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
With only six weeks until Election Day, it’s time to get serious. We hope you have your voting plan in place, are pitching in to help candidates, and are spreading the word to family, friends, and neighbors.
Because of the pandemic, campaign season has been dramatically different than usual, but candidates are working harder than ever – reaching out to voters at virtual events, socially distant gatherings, and in any way they can.
But, in this critical election year, candidates need our help more than ever. Dig into the 2020 candidates page on our website and, if you can, dig into your wallet, too. Campaigning costs money, so help our candidates out with a donation.
Make sure to scroll down to see updated Mon County election information at the end of this newsletter. Absentee ballots should be showing up in mailboxes in the next few days! It’s time to vote! Let us know if you have any questions or problems with voting by emailing moncountydems@gmail.com.
Del. Barbara Fleischauer with an old friend Del. Mike Caputo, candidate for state senate, addressed at Star City event. Natalie Cline, nominee for U.S. House of Representatives in the first district, attending a virtual Mon County Democrats meeting. Senator Bob Beach, candidate for Commissioner of Agriculture in Star City Delegate Danielle Walker addressed voters and the media during the bus tour. Gubernatorial candidate Ben Salango addressed a gathering in Star City as part of a statewide bus tour. Political signs show voter enthusiasm all over the county. Vote!
Candidates in cars, talking to voters
(AKA: Candidate conversations)
The pandemic has made many typical campaign events impossible, but we are adapting by introducing a new kind of candidate forum. Our virtual forums are being held on Facebook Live and hosted by Vice Chair Shane Assadzandi.
Our first forum started off with Natalie Tennant, who was – as our favorite former and future Secretary of State often is – in her car. We’re not sure if ALL the candidates will be in their cars, but log in to meet the rest to find out, and to ask your questions. And, don’t forget to share with your friends!

Mon County Covid-19 Updates by the “Fab Five”
Our five county House of Delegates members – Barbara Evans Fleischauer, Evan Hansen, Rodney A. Pyles, Danielle Walker, and John Williams – have been having regular Facebook Live updates on Covid-19 in Monongalia County. They sometime have special guests, such as West Virginia’s coronavirus czar Clay Marsh, WVU vice president Rob Alsop, and many others.
It’s a great way to stay updated on what’s happening locally with school, WVU, and other topics relating to the pandemic situation. Log into to any of our delegates’ Facebook pages at 4 p.m. on Sundays, or to catch episodes you may have missed.

Support Mon County Democratic candidates
People often email or call us to ask us how they can help. It’s election time, and our main goal as a party committee is to help elect Democrats, up and down the ballot. Please help our candidates to the extent you are able – see them all here at moncountydems.org/candidates
What do candidates need?
- Donations – The pandemic has made it difficult to impossible for candidates to raise money. Donations will help pay for mailers and advertising to reach voters. All the candidate pages on our website have donation links; spread a little money around.
- Places to put yard signs – Do you have a yard that gets traffic? There are definitely candidates who would like to put signs up. Ask the candidates, or give us a shout at moncountydems@gmail.com to discuss.
- Volunteers – Get in touch with a candidate who appeals to you, and ask them what you can do.
Democrats denounce white supremacy, support Delegate Walker
In response to shameful attacks on Mon County Delegate Danielle Walker and others by white supremacists showing up in force at recent events and online, the committee is organizing itself to respond. Our immediate emphasis is to strengthen our support for Delegate Walker, who has proven herself a dedicated and relentless representative of our community in the state legislature and beyond.
We encourage all Democrats and supporters to go to https://www.daniellewalkerwv.com/, make a donation, volunteer, or do whatever else you can to help reelect this excellent delegate to represent us. But even more broadly, we recognize our responsibility to denounce white supremacy in all its forms, and to promote racial justice in our own lives and communities. We are committed to doing our part, as best we can.
As part of these efforts, we are publishing this ad in the Dominion Post and sharing it on social media.

Democrats honor healthcare heroes on September 11
Delegates Walker, Pyles, and Fleischauer on their way to deliver treats to healthcare workers at Ruby Memorial Hospital Delegates Mike Caputo and John Williams deliver snacks to healthcare works at Mon General.
On September 11 in the past few years – as a way of showing our thanks to first responders on this day – some of our leaders have delivered snacks to firefighters, police, and EMS workers. This year, we honored our healthcare heroes at local hospitals and clinics.
Delegates Rodney Pyles, Danielle Walker, and Barbara Evans Fleischauer delivered treats to staff at Ruby Memorial Hospital; Delegates John Williams and Mike Caputo (candidate for State Senate in Mon and Marion Counties) dropped goodies off to Mon General; and Delegate Evan Hansen stopped by Milan Puskar Health Right. Staff were very grateful for the recognition.
Be a poll worker – help America vote.

Monongalia County Clerk Carye Blaney is looking for poll workers who are enthusiastic about helping with the electoral process. Election Day, November 3, is a long day (5 a.m. to 8 p.m.), plus there is a required two-hour training session. The pay for those hours is $255 with no taxes taken out. But, most poll workers do not serve for the money. They serve – year after year – They serve to keep our elections working for all.
If you are interested in giving back to our community by becoming A poll worker, register at: https://services.sos.wv.gov/Elections/PollWorkers/Register/. This portal will send your information to the County Clerk’s office, and they will contact you. For more information, you can also call the clerk’s office at 304-291-7230.
We’re grateful to the frontline healthcare workers who are caring for our community, and all were happy to have this chance to deliver this small token of our appreciation to those who work for hard for us every day.
Donate to voter outreach efforts
As voting time nears, we’re hoping to send at least one mailer to targeted county voters, promoting Democrats who will be on the Mon County ballot. We’re also planning to do some digital and print advertising, and text and phone banking.
Speaking bluntly – how much voter outreach we do will depend on how much MONEY we can raise between now and the end of September. So, please pitch in whatever you can, NOW:
Updated Mon County Election Information – Voters’ guide
Two important websites have been updated with most of the information you need to vote in the upcoming election in Monongalia County. Use these two resources to find what you need to know.
Monongalia County Clerk – monongaliacountyclerk.com/elections, 304-291-7230
WV Secretary of State – govotewv.com, 304-588-6000
Got your voting plan?
How will you vote? We recommend voting absentee, or if you prefer to vote in person, go to early voting. Don’t leave it to the last minute – that’s our advice. But what’s most important – make your plan, follow-through, and bring a friend or two as well. Just vote! Your options, in case you’ve forgotten (not likely, we know):
Absentee voting
Hopefully by now, if you’re going this route, you’ve applied for your ballot. If not, there’s still time, but do it now. You can apply at govotewv.com or (if you prefer, as the portal has been slow), you can find an application on the county clerk’s site, print, complete, sign, and return it to the clerk. Either way, apply now.
Complete and return your ballot – Follow the directions carefully. There are two envelopes and more than one signature required, including on the outside of one envelope.
Return your ballot as early as possible. There are two options:
- Mail it to the county clerk in the outer envelope. Our clerk stresses that the Morgantown Post Office is handling ballots carefully, but if you prefer:
- Hand-deliver your ballot to the county clerk at the county courthouse at 243 High Street, Morgantown, during business hours. It now seems questionable whether there will be a ballot dropbox inside the courthouse door; you may have to take your ballot into the clerk’s office. Watch our social media for information on that, or call the clerk’s office.
- The deadline to hand-deliver ballots is November 2, the day BEFORE the election.
- One person may not hand-deliver more than two ballots.
Track your absentee ballot – Track your ballot’s status at govotewv.com. Clerks were supposed to start mailing ballots Sept. 18, so hopefully yours will come soon.
If you don’t receive your ballot by late September to early October, DO NOT WAIT. Call the county clerk at 304-291-7230. And, let us know at moncountydems@gmail.com
Election Deadlines
September 18 – County clerks begin mailing absentee ballots to voters
October 13 – Deadline to register to vote
Absentee voting deadlines
October 28 – Deadline for absentee ballots to be received by county clerk
November 2 – Deadline for hand-delivered ballots to be received by county clerk
November 4 – Deadline for mailed absentee ballots w/o postmark to be received by clerk
November 9 – (Canvass) Absentee ballot postmarked by Election Day accepted if received by start of canvass.
Early voting dates
Oct. 21 to 31 – Monday through Saturday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., at the Monongalia County Courthouse, Mountaineer Mall, WVU Alumni Center, and Fort Pierpont Suite 102 (all in Morgantown) and at Mason Dixon Park in Core, WV.
Election Day – November 3
Got an absentee ballot but changed your mind and want to vote at the polls?
If you received an absentee ballot but change your mind and decide to vote in person? Our county clerk says in that case, just bring your absentee ballot with you to the polls, where you will be allowed to surrender it and then vote in person. (But you cannot simply turn in your absentee ballot at the polls and have it counted.)
Other questions or problems? Call the county clerk at 304-291-7230 and also let us know at moncountydems@gmail.com, or message us on Facebook (Monongalia County Democrats) or Twitter (@wvmondems).