MonDems News – August 2020

Election 2020 is heating up, with the Democratic National Convention, a new headquarters, and yard signs popping up. Due to the pandemic, this election will be different, but it may be the most important election ever. That’s become a cliché, but in this case, it feels very real.
Everyone who cares about this state and nation needs to step up to help in this election. But, what exactly does that mean for Mon County voters?
First, visit to be sure you are registered. Don’t take it for granted. Encourage friends and family to do the same. Then, make a plan to vote.
In this pandemic, we don’t know what will happen from one day to the next. You could be sick or quarantined on Election Day. We strongly recommend absentee or early voting. Election Day lines may be long. Protect your right to vote by making a plan now. See below for details.
Democratic headquarters open

We’re excited to announce the opening of our new Democratic Party headquarters for Monongalia County and north-central West Virginia. Located at 2916 University Avenue in Evansdale, the headquarters doesn’t have set hours yet; we’re working on staffing, etc., but it will serve as a visible (and Covid-safe) place to gather and support our work. For more information, follow us on social media or email

Get to know the candidates
Mon County has an awesome group of candidates this year, from president and vice president down to county offices. Visit to learn more about your Mon County Democratic team. Democrats aren’t typically funded by big business; candidates need volunteers and they need donations, too! Reach out to them, and help spread the word!
Check out our new website
Check out our new, improved website at Many thanks to Sarah Barnes, our communications chair, for her work on it, and to our entire communications team. Email with any questions.

Make your voting plan

If you haven’t already, decide now how you will vote in this election. First, check your registration at Then, educate yourself and make a plan. These are your options:
Absentee voting – Because of the pandemic, all voters may vote absentee this year, simply by marking “illness” as the reason on your ballot application. Apply for your ballot now at You can also request an absentee ballot from the county clerk at 304-291-7230. Clerks will begin mailing ballots in mid-September.
Complete, return, and track your absentee ballot – It’s important to read and follow directions to complete and return your ballot. There are two envelopes and more than one signature required, including on the outside of one envelope. Follow the rules.
Return your ballot as early as possible. There are two options: 1) Mail it to your county clerk, 2) Hand deliver it to the Monongalia County Courthouse at 243 High Street, Morgantown. There’s a dropbox inside the courthouse door, before you go through security. Note:
- The deadline for dropbox ballots is November 2, the day BEFORE the election.
- One person may not hand-deliver more than two ballots.
Track your absentee ballot – After applying for your ballot, then after receiving, completing, and returning it, track its status at Stay on top of your ballot – if you don’t see it in the tracker at any point in the process and have a concern, call the Mon County Clerk at 304-291-7230.
In-person voting – there two options for in-person voting:
- Early voting takes place at multiple locations, all open to any county voters during working hours Monday through Saturday, usually for two weeks before the election.
Early voting is a good choice if you don’t want to vote absentee. Fewer people will be in the space at any one time, and you won’t have to deal with parking, lines or unforeseen problems on Election Day.
The county clerk will publicize early voting dates and locations soon, so check local media or
- Election Day, November 3 – Visit for polling places and hours on Election Day.
Volunteers needed
Can you help staff our headquarters, make phone call/texts, run errands, or help with other miscellaneous tasks? Any number of hours is helpful, and you can work on your own schedule. Email us at to discuss your interests and availability.
Looking For A Yard Sign?

We’re happy to help! Simply fill out this form ( We’ll follow up with you to make arrangements and help you support your favorite candidates!
Finally, we need to ask you something
When we wake up on November 4, most of us want to feel we did our best to help elect a government that represent our values, to feel that our democracy is in good hands.
But, to get very real, elections cost money.

If you have lost income in the current crisis, this plea does not apply to you. But, as a small committee, with all volunteer help, we are trying our hardest to help elect 24 candidates at local, state, and federal levels. It’s a tall order.
On the local level, with your help, we plan to reach out to more than 10,000 Mon County voters via text, phone, mail, and email, and print and digital advertising. In order to do all this, in order to do our best to help turn this state and nation around, we’ve set a fundraising goal of $8,000 by September 30. Will you help us reach that goal? Will you make a donation today?
Any amount at all will make a huge difference. Be sure you wake up on November 4 knowing you did all you possibly could. Join us. Help us.
Donate here:
Calendar of Events
September meeting – Monday, September 8 on zoom. If you are on our mailing list, you will receive a login for the meeting. If you don’t get it, email to receive it.
Election calendar
Oct. 13 Last day to register to vote or update your registration at
Absentee voting
Sept. 18 County clerks begin mailing absentee ballots.
Oct. 28 Last day to request your absentee ballot.
Nov. 2 Last day to return your absentee ballot by hand delivery to courthouse.
In-person voting
Oct. 21-31 Early voting
Nov. 3 Election day. Last day to return absentee ballot by mail (postmarked).