“For we know that our diversity—our patchwork heritage—is not a weakness; it is still, and always will be, one of our greatest strengths. This is the America that was attacked that September morning. This is the America that we must remain true to.” ― President Barack Obama, September 11, 2016
Calendar of Events

Delegate Danielle Walker
Wed., Sept. 18 – SOLD OUT Delegate Danielle Walker will be the keynote speaker at the 2019 Women of Color Luncheon at WVU, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., Mountainlair Ballrooms. The event is sold out, but friends are welcome to join Danielle at a pre-luncheon coffee outside the ballrooms, starting at 10 a.m.
Sat., Sept. 21 – Volunteers needed: Mobile food giveaway, Mylan Park, 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. – Help needed with the next mobile food giveaway! This project helps ensure that Mon County children and families do not go hungry. People who can lift 40 to 50 pounds are especially needed, but others can help with sorting, etc. Sponsored by the Mountaineer Food Bank and Pantry Plus More. Contact Micah Weglinski at micahweg@gmail.com.

Help is needed to sort, stack, or carry at the mobile food giveaway on Sept. 21
Mon., Sept. 23 to Wed., Sept. 25 – Legislative interims, State Capitol, Charleston – Our state representatives will travel to Charleston for three days of meetings on subjects from energy to health, education, finance, and more. Constituents are welcome to attend. Find the complete schedule of meetings here: http://www.wvlegislature.gov/committees/interims/intcomsched.cfm?day1=09/23/2019
Friday, Oct. 4 – WVU Homecoming Parade, 6:30 p.m., High Street, downtown Morgantown. One of Morgantown’s biggest parades. The Federation of Democratic Women will be handing out candy before the parade, and many Democratic officials and candidates will be marching, so check their pages. Mon County Democrats is not having a float this year, but come out to march with the candidates, show your support and enjoy the scene.
Sunday, Oct. 6 – Alzheimer’s Walk, Mountaineer Mall, 5000 Greenbag Road, Morgantown. Register at 1 p.m., walk at 2 p.m. Help raise money and awareness to fight Alzheimer’s, an insidious disease that devastates so many families. Participants may collect sponsorships, donate, or just walk (donations not required). To register or donate, scroll down to search for the Mon County Democrats team at https://act.alz.org/site/TR/Walk2019/WV-WestVirginia?pg=entry&fr_id=12314. Wear your MonDems t-shirt if you like. For more information, contact Janet Williams at Jtwilliams505@gmail.com.

Tues., Oct. 8 – John Williams for House Reelection Kickoff/Fundraiser, 5 to 7 p.m., Atria’s at the Holiday Inn, 1188 Pineview Drive, Morgantown. All are welcome!
Join John as he kicks off the 2020 campaign, and help send John and his fresh ideas back to the House of Delegates. Come enjoy refreshments and spend an evening with John and friends!
Mon., Oct. 14 – Mon County Democrats October meeting, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., Local 152 Plumbers and Pipefitters, 100 Richard Avenue, Morgantown. All Democrats and supporters are invited to attend our meetings, which are held the second Monday of each month, and to participate in everything we do. Candidates are invited to attend and introduce themselves. Our last meeting was packed! Please join us!

All Democrats and supporters are invited to attend our meetings, which are held the second Monday of each month.
Sat., Oct. 19 – Volunteers needed: Adopt-a-Highway cleanup, Morgan Run Road, 9 to 11 a.m. – Help clean up Morgan Run Road (the road to Cheat Lake Park), which we have committed to clean up three times a year. Meet at Cheat Lake Park parking lot at 9 a.m. Rain date Oct. 20.
Volunteers must be at least 12 years old. The Department of Highways provides gloves, safety vests, pickers, trash bags, and caution signs. Bring a reusable water bottle. Wear sturdy footwear and bright colors. Long sleeves and long pants are strongly recommended.
Please watch the Adopt-A-Highway Safety Videos at the bottom of this page – https://dep.wv.gov/environmental-advocate/reap/aah/Pages/default.aspx – before coming.
PLEASE RSVP to Emilie at reilram123@gmail.com by 10/15 if possible. so she can be sure to have enough gear for everyone.

Tues., Oct. 22 – Hansen for House Reelection Kickoff, 6 to 8 p.m., Hill and Hollow, 709 Beechurst Avenue, Morgantown.
Celebrate Evan’s first year in the House of Delegates at this reception and fundraiser. Bring friends, family members, and colleagues to meet Evan and discuss plans for the 2020 session! Evan will be there with friends, volunteers, and special guests. Everyone is welcome!

Fri., Nov. 1 – Mon County Democrats 2020 Election Kickoff: A New American Century – 6 to 10 p.m., Morgantown Brewing Company (downstairs), 1291 University Avenue, Morgantown.
Join us to officially kick off the 2020 election season and work to elect Democrats who will help us move West Virginia and America forward. Campaigns cost money, and we need your help!
Tickets are $35/each or $60/two tickets and may be purchased at https://secure.actblue.com/donate/2020electionkickoff. Get yours today!
We also need people to help sell tickets to this event. And, we need donations of items to auction off.
To help with either or for more information, please contact Danielle Thomas at danielle.thomas89@gmail.com.
Stay up-to-date with MonDems-related upcoming events on our website at https://www.mondems.org/events
**Submit an event for our calendar – Any Democratic officials or candidates for office in Monongalia County – or organizers of events for officials/candidates for state or national office but taking place in Mon County – may submit events for inclusion in our website and newsletter calendars. https://www.mondems.org/submit-an-event

West Virignia teachers fighting for our schools and our children.
Poll: West Virginians support public school teachers
A recent West Virginia poll found something we could have told them – West Virginians support their teachers! The MetroNews West Virginia poll surveyed 500 registered voters. Most surveyed said they are in favor of teachers receiving higher salaries and OK with teacher walkouts when needed. This is not news to us!
Read the whole story here: http://wvmetronews.com/2019/09/10/poll-wv-teachers-have-the-public-behind-them/
Thanking first responders on September 11
Of the 3,000 lives lost in the September 11 attacks, 412 were first responders. To show appreciation to our local police, firefighters, and other first responders for their faithful service to our community, every year on September 11, we honor our them with a small token of our appreciation. This year, all five of our 51st District House of Delegates members – Barbara Evans Fleischauer, Delegate Evan Hansen, Delegate Rodney Pyles, Delegate Danielle Walker, and Delegate John Williams for West Virginia – joined us in bringing cupcakes donated by The Cupcakerie – Morgantown, WV – to some of our community’s heroes. Thanks for all that you do to keep us safe.
Photos: Our elected officials and volunteers delivered cupcakes to Mon County first responders to honor and thank them for their hard work and commitment to the safety of our communities.
Debate watch party
Thanks to all who joined us for the Debate Watch party at the Scholar Hotel on September 12. We had a great turnout with lots of representation from the College Democrats, the Democratic Law Caucus, Mountaineers for Bernie, and other groups. Keep an eye out for upcoming events and join us next time!

A good crowd turned out for our first debate watch party. Stay tuned for more!
Assadzandi named Mon County Democrat of the Year
Every year, the West Virginia Democratic Party asks each county to select a Democrat of the Year. Our 2019 Mon County Democrat of the Year is Shane Assadzandi. Shane first got involved in politics during the 2016 presidential primaries and was a pledged delegate to the Democratic National Convention. He also served as the vice-president of Mountaineers for Progress until June of last year, at which time he became first vice-chair of the Monongalia County Democratic Executive Committee. Shane said, “I’m committed to building a party that is diverse, inclusive and welcoming toward West Virginia’s growing wave of grassroots activists.” He will attend the West Virginia Democratic Party’s 2019 Roosevelt Kennedy Dinner in Charleston in October, at which a State Democrat of the Year will be named.

Shane Assadzandi at the West Virginia State Capitol.
New committee members – At our August meeting, the committee unanimously elected one new member and a new secretary. Dominic Cunningham – a resident of Sunnyside, WVU senior, and member of the WVU College Democrats – will represent District 2 on the committee. Linda Goldberg, who moved to West Virginia in 2017 and has served in secretary/treasurer positions for several organizations, will serve as our secretary. We appreciate their service, and that of all our members!
Send us your news – To contribute stories or photos about any activities of interest to Mon County Democrats, email Susan Case, editor, at susancasewv@gmail.com or moncountydems@gmail.com.
Please forward this email to friends who may be interested and invite them to subscribe at www.mondems.org.