It’s a challenging time in our country, and it’s going to take all of us, working together, to turn things around. Local and state elections matter as much as national ones. Are you ready to get involved?
If you haven’t yet been to a Mon County Democrats meeting, or you haven’t been for a while, join us! 2020 is fast approaching, and primary campaigns are starting to get rolling. Many hands make light work, and many hands are needed to elect Democrats up and down the ballot.
Mon County Democrats kicked off summer with the Fourth of July Parade and our summer cleanup of Morgan Run Road, which we’ve officially adopted. Lots of other events are coming up, so see the calendar of events, and watch your email and social media for these and other opportunities to get involved.
Finally, if you’re a Democratic elected official or candidate for office in Monongalia County, or if you’re helping plan a local event for a Democratic candidate for state or national office – let us know about your events, and we’ll be glad to share the information in this newsletter. The deadline to submit information is the 15th of each month. Contact

A good group of Mon County elected officials and their supporters turned out for Morgantown’s Fourth of July parade.

Amanda Phillips, Les Hartman, Judy Ball, and Em Marlier recently picked up 15 bags of trash as part of our adopt-a-highway project on Morgan Run Road. Watch for announcements about the next cleanup date.
Calendar of Events
Sat., July 20 – Kids Day – Volunteers are needed to help lead kids’ activities at this fun, annual, downtown Morgantown event. Hours are 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., but it’s OK if you can only spare an hour or two. To sign up or for more info, contact Amy Gentzler at

Mon County Democrats at Kids Day 2018
Sat., July 20 – Volunteers needed for mobile food giveaway, 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Clinton District Fire Hall, 1989 Grafton Rd., must be able to lift 40 to 50 pounds, help clients carry food to their cars. Info – Micah Weglinski,
Thurs., Aug. 1 – Fundraiser for State Treasurer John Perdue, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 152 Union Hall, 100 Richard Avenue, Morgantown, WV 26505, no RSVP needed, contributions welcome. Food, music, and fellowship. Contact: Carye Blaney,
Sat., Aug. 3 – Danielle Walker for House birthday bash/fundraiser – Music, performers, snacks, party – 123 Pleasant Street, Morgantown, 5 to 9 p.m. Tickets required, advance tickets recommended. Info and tickets at
Mon., Aug. 12 – Mon County Fair Parade – Parade at 6 p.m., lineup at 5. All Democrats and supporters are invited to join us in the parade. Watch our Facebook page (Mon County Democrats) for details, or contact for more info.
Friday, Nov. 1 – Mon County Democrats Kickoff/fundraiser for 2020 – 6 to 10 p.m., Morgantown Brewing Company (downstairs). Save the date, details to come. Contact
Next meeting!

Democrats and supporters at the July meeting of Mon County Democrats. Please join us for our next meeting on Aug. 19!
All Democrats and supporters are invited to attend our meetings! We usually meet the second Monday of each month, but due to a conflict, next month’s meeting will tentatively be held:
Date: Tentatively – Monday, Aug. 19 (watch email and social media, or email for confirmation.)
Where: Plumbers and Pipefitters Hall, 100 Richard Drive, Morgantown, WV (off Greenbag Road near Mountainview Elementary School).
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Send us your news – To contribute stories or photos about any activities of interest to Mon County Democrats, email Susan Case, editor, at or
Please share this with friends who may be interested and invite them to subscribe to our email newsletter!