“So long as I do not firmly and irrevocably possess the right to vote I do not possess myself. I cannot make up my mind — it is made up for me. I cannot live as a democratic citizen, observing the laws I have helped to enact — I can only submit to the edict of others.” —Martin Luther King, Jr.
West Virginia’s 2020 legislative session is underway, and Mon County’s Democratic legislators – Delegates Barbara Evans Fleischauer, Evan Hansen, Rodney Pyles, Danielle Walker, and John Williams; and Senator Bob Beach – are working hard for us in Charleston. See some of the bills they are sponsoring below.
More than 50 people turned out for the first Monongalia County Democrats meeting of 2020, which included a potluck and social hour. Several candidates for local and state offices attended, including Ron Stollings, a state senator who’s running for governor, and several candidates for Mon County circuit judge. Attending our meetings is a good way to meet the candidates; all are welcome, so join us! See the calendar below for details.
As our county Democratic committee, much of our work takes place between meetings; there are many ways you can get involved and help elect Democrats! See below for more information on volunteer opportunities with Mon County Democrats.
Calendar of Events
Mon., Jan. 20 – Insulin Affordability Lobby Day, West Virginia Capitol, Charleston, WV, 11:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Join concerned West Virginians at the State Capitol to urge legislators to make insulin and other prescription drugs more affordable! For more information and to RSVP – https://www.facebook.com/events/585136022042801/
Sat., Jan. 25 – #WalkWithMe, 10 a.m., Mountaineer Mall, Greenbag Road, Morgantown. Danielle Walker invites constituents to walk and talk with her on upcoming “walk and talk” meetups in Morgantown. Her first “walk and talk” will be on Saturday, Jan. 25, inside the Mountaineer Mall (old mall) on the Greenbag Road. The walk will start shortly after 10 a.m. Enter the mall at the corner by the Anybody Gym; go straight to the main hallway and turn right. Meet Danielle at the OLLI office on the left. Details and to RSVP – https://www.facebook.com/events/2580568858932185/
Monday, Feb. 10 – Mon County Democrats February meeting, 6:30 to 8 p.m., Plumbers and Pipefitters Hall, 100 Richard Drive, Morgantown. All Democrats and supporters are welcome, so please join us to help plan for the 2020 election season. All are welcome!
Feb. ?? – Democratic presidential debate watch party (details TBD), watch our social media and email for more information, or email moncountydems@gmail.com
March 28 – Monongalia County Democratic Convention, location TBD. Watch email and social media for details, or email moncountydems@gmail.com
**Submit an event for our calendar – Any Democratic officials or candidates for office in Monongalia County – or organizers of events for officials/candidates for state or national office but taking place in Mon County – may submit events for inclusion in our website and newsletter calendars. https://www.mondems.org/submit-an-event
Stay up-to-date with MonDems-related upcoming events on our website at https://www.mondems.org/events
MonDems News
Monongalia County Delegates sponsor bills on roads, more
Road maintenance is an epidemic in Monongalia County, of course, and our state delegates are working hard on it. All five (Fleischauer, Hansen, Pyles, Walker, Williams) are co-sponsors of HB 4120, a bill currently that would require the Commissioner of Highways to develop and follow a formula for allocating road maintenance funds. (Now there’s a concept, right?) Hopefully, this bill will PASS and help end the inequities in the current system, and FINALLY lead to badly needed improvements to Mon County’s roads.
A few of the other bills our delegates are sponsoring or co-sponsoring include the Modern Jobs Act to promote industry, create jobs, and diversify our economy (Hansen, Fleischauer); HB 4162, to require insurance coverage for treatment of pediatric autoimmune neuropsychic disorders associated with autoimmune encephalopathies (Hansen, Pyles, Fleischauer); HB 4159, to facilitate economic development of hard cider by reclassifying it in the code (Williams); and HB 4200, to add sexual orientation to the categories covered by the Human Rights Act (Pyles).
The session is just getting started, and many more bills and issues are sure to come up. Stay tuned for updates, and follow https://www.wvlegislature.gov/ for daily news.
Delegate Evan Hansen on Facebook Live
Delegate Evan Hansen is hosting Facebook Live chats during the current legislative session. Join him for an update on what’s going on with important legislation – @HansenForWV only on Facebook Live, every Wednesday at 4 p.m.
Volunteers needed
There’s much to do between now and the election; the more people that get involved, the more successful we will be at electing Democrats at all levels. Can you give a few hours? Do you have talents you would share? Help is needed in the following areas:
- Mon County Democratic Convention, March 28, Morgantown – check-in, set up, cleanup, etc.
- Door-to-door canvassing (spring and fall)
- Budget planning, fundraising, helping with fundraising events (ongoing)
- Highway cleanup (March and/or July)
- Community events – (Kids Day in July)
- Communications – writing blurbs and ideas for social media, photos, letters to the editor, and more
You do not have to be an elected or appointed committee member to attend meetings OR to volunteer, just a Democrat or supporter. For more information on helping out, please contact Kathleen Abate, committee chair, at moncountydems@gmail.com.
Get your snow brush!
Did you help with our road cleanup in 2019? As thanks for our cleanup efforts, the Division of Highways gave us several snow brushes as a thank you. If you helped, contact Judy Ball at balljk@aol.com to get your brush.
Send us your news We will publish notices of or photos/stories from any events sponsored by Democratic groups, officials, or candidates for office in Monongalia County, or statewide or national candidate appearances in the county. It is the campaign’s responsibility to send us the news – we will not hunt it down. The deadline to receive the information is the 15th of the month. Send info and pictures to Susan Case, editor, at susancasewv@gmail.com or send to moncountydems@gmail.com and they will be forwarded.
Spread the word – Please forward this email to friends who may be interested and invite them to subscribe at www.mondems.org.