Legislative Agenda Update (2.15.2021) - Mon Dems

Legislative Agenda Update (2.15.2021)

House Committee Agendas (2.15.2021)


House Judiciary, 9:00 a.m.

-HB2016 – Relating to the “COVID-19 Essential Jobs Protection Act”
-Independent Contractor Employee – HB originating
-HB2276 – Authorizing the Governor to seek the return of fugitives
-HJR1 – Supervision of Free Schools Modification Amendment

House Education, 1:00 p.m.

-HB Originating relating to Alternative Certification
-HB Originating relating to In-Field Master’s Degree

House Government Organization, 1:00 p.m.

-Consideration of HB 2366, Requiring agencies who have approved a proposed rule that affects fees or other special revenues to provide to the committee a fiscal note.
-Consideration of HB 2375, Relating to the State purchasing property around the Mount Storm merchant power plant.
-Consideration of HB 2325, Removing the requirement of continuing education for barbers and cosmetologists.
-Consideration of HB 2008, Amending requirements for licensure relating to elevator mechanics, crane operators, HVAC, electricians, and plumbers.

Senate Committee Agendas (2.15.2021)


Senate Natural Resources, 1:00 p.m.

-Committee Substitute for SB66 – Creating Voluntary WVU Rifle Team Check-Off Program on hunting and fishing licenses.

Senate Banking and Insurance, 2:00 p.m.

-Organizational Motions

Senate Finance, 3:00 p.m.

-Budget Presentation: West Virginia Department of Agriculture-Budget Presentation: West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection

Senate Judiciary, 3:00 p.m.

-S. B. 80 – Allowing for administration of certain small estates by affidavit and without appointment of personal representative.(LG)-S. B. 272 – Relating to WV Employment Law Worker Classification Act.(MD)
-S. B. 277 – Creating COVID-19 Immunity Act.(MD)
