Summer’s usually the quiet season in politics, but that’s certainly not true this year for Mon County Democrats. Legislators and their supporters have been traveling back and forth to Charleston for special sessions and interims, we had our first-ever spring brunch, primary campaigns are gearing up, and our community service team is keeping us all busy. 2020 isn’t that far off, and we’re going to need all the help we can get to keep electing good people and give them the support they need. We’re grateful to all our members and supporters and excited about working with you all to move our county, state, and nation forward.
Mon County Democrats Spring into Action
An enthusiastic crowd turned out for the first Mon County Democrats “Spring into Action” brunch in June. Legislators spoke about their hopes for the upcoming special session and pledged to support teachers and students against Republican attempts to weaken our schools.
Longtime Democrats and newer faces vowed to work together this year and in the 2020 election season. Also, several Mon County teachers attended and led the group in a round of “Country Roads.”
Our thanks to everyone who helped make this event a success, and to all who joined us for what we hope will become an annual tradition.

Delegate Danielle Walker was among those who spoke at the brunch.

House of Delegates members and Mon County teachers led a round of “Country Roads” at the brunch.
League of Women Voters Honors Shelby Leary
The League of Women Voters of Morgantown-Monongalia County awarded Shelby Leary the “Democracy in Action” Award at its recent annual meeting. Leary was a trailblazer who fought for women’s and workers’ rights during three terms (in the 1980s) representing Monongalia County in the West Virginia House of Delegates.
In a letter, Delegate Barbara Fleischauer wrote, “Shelby Leary was the first local elected official I knew, and she was a role model to me. She was part of an all-female delegation to the House, something that has not been achieved since then. She was feisty and outspoken, and I respected her for standing up for women’s rights – including the right to abortion; for worker’s rights – including the right to strike; and for the right of everyone to have decent benefits, including health care coverage.”
During her time in the legislature, Shelby chaired the House of Delegates Committee on Health and Human Resources. She also served as Gov. Gaston Caperton’s Commissioner of Labor, in addition to serving in a host of other roles.

Senator Bob Beach (left) and Delegate Evan Hansen (right) were among those congratulating and thanking Shelby Leary for her many years of service to Monongalia County and the State of West Virginia at the League of Women Voters’ annual meeting.
New law allows emergency refills of crucial medications
In the recent legislative session, Delegate Barbara Evans Fleischauer co-sponsored HB24, which passed both houses unanimously; and which will allow West Virginians to access life-saving medications when their supply runs out, the prescription is expired, and a physician can’t be reached to renew it. The new law grants pharmacists the discretion they previously lacked to fill life-saving prescriptions, such as for diabetes, in these specific emergency situations. Legislators, physicians and patients held a press conference to get the word out about the new bill.
Read the full story here –

Delegate Barbara Fleischauer spoke at a press conference announcing the new legislation providing pharmacists increased discretion in specific emergency situations.
Volunteers Needed!
The Mon County Democrats Community Service committee has several upcoming volunteer opportunities. Join us in giving back to our community:

Volunteers in the garden at a recent work session. Come out and join them every Tuesday at 5:30!Help things grow Every Tuesday, 5:30 p.m. to dusk, 465 Scotts Run Rd., Osage, WV (across from the Scott’s Run museum).
Help spruce up a community garden that supplies produce to seniors in Scotts Run. Contact Danielle Thomas for more information, or just show up ready to work, any Tuesday that you can!
Volunteers in the garden at a recent work session. Come out and join them every Tuesday at 5:30!Help with food giveaway Saturday, June 29, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., location TBA
Volunteers are needed to help with the next Mountaineer Food Bank mobile food giveaway, in partnership with the Pantry Plus More. Volunteers should be able to lift 40 to 50 pounds. Groups are welcome. Contact Micah Weglinski at for the location and more information.

Help clean up our roads Saturday, July 13, 7:30 to 10:30 a.m., Morgan Run Road
Mon County Democrats have adopted Morgan Run Road (the road to Cheat Lake Park) and volunteers are needed to help with our summer clean-up on Saturday, July 13 (rain date Sunday, July 14). Volunteers must be at least 12 years old.
For those who’d like to get an early start, we’ll meet at the Cheat Lake Park parking lot on Morgan Run Rd at 7:30 a.m. If that’s too early for you, come at 8:30 or 9. We hope to finish up by around 10:30.
The WV Division of Highways provides gloves, safety vests, pickers, trash bags, and caution signs. Bring a reusable water bottle. If you forget, we’ll have some extras and water for refilling. Wear sturdy footwear and bright colors. Long sleeves and long pants are strongly recommended.
RSVP to Emilie at by 7/10/19 so we’ll be sure to have enough gear for everyone.
All volunteers must watch the Adopt-A-Highway safety video at the bottom of this page,, before picking up litter.
If you’d like to spend some time at the park afterward with your fellow volunteers, and have a swim to cool off, bring your bathing suit and pack a picnic lunch.
For more information, contact Emily Marlier at someone run for office! Aug. 24 & 25, Clarksburg
Free campaign manager training for women and other underrepresented groups – Sponsored by WV Working Families.
Information and sign up at
Next meeting!
All Democrats and supporters are invited to attend our meetings, held the second Monday of each month, and participate in everything we do. Next meeting info:
Date: Monday, July 8, 2019 Where: Plumbers and Pipefitters Hall, 100 Richard Drive, Morgantown, WV (off Greenbag Road near Mountainview Elementary School). Time: 6:30 p.m.
Send us your news – To contribute stories or photos about any activities of interest to Mon County Democrats, email Susan Case, editor, at susancasewv@gmail.comor If you would like to receive this newsletter in your inbox, subscribe to our email list today!