Past Events from January 25, 2020 – December 5, 2019 – Page 9 – Mon Dems

Empty Bowls 2020 Soup and Bread Luncheon

Mylan Park, 500 Mylan Park Ln, Morgantown, WV 26501, USA 6 Millan St, United States

It's that time of year again to buy your tickets and sign-up to volunteer for our annual soup and bread luncheon. The event will be held on Feb…

Smith for WV Monongalia County Town Hall

Cass Elementary School, Morgantown, WV 26501, USA 403 Schley St, United States

Monongalia County, let Stephen know what you would do if you were governor. Then help us win a West Virginia that works for all of us! The event…

Monthly Planning Meeting

Downstream Strategies, 911 Green Bag Road, Morgantown, WV 26508, USA 600 Green Bag Rd, United States

This planning meeting is open to all DEC members, officers, and team leaders. The purpose is to plan the Agenda for the next general meeting as well as…

Facebook Live with Evan Hansen

Evan Hansen Facebook Live

Join Delegate Evan Hansen for a weekly legislative update at 4 pm on Wednesdays. He will provide info about his priorities, as well as other hot button issues…

Walk with Danielle Walker

Mountaineer Mall 5000 Green Bag Road, Morgantown, WV, United States

Take some #HealthySteps with Danielle Walker by taking an hour to walk and talk together. These Walk & Talk meet ups will cover all sorts of topics. Danielle…

MonDems April Meeting via Zoom!

Topic: MONDEMS April Meeting Kathleen Abate's Zoom MeetingTime: Apr 20, 2020 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)Join Zoom Meeting ID: 816 0707 5776Password: 011976One tap mobile+13126266799,,81607075776#,,#,011976# US (Chicago)+19292056099,,81607075776#,,#,011976# US…